74D-Link DIR-818LW User ManualSection 3 - ConfigurationEnter a Name for the application rule. You may select apre-defined Application Name from the drop-down menuand click << to populate the Name field.This is the port used to trigger the application. It can be eithera single port or a range of ports.Select the protocol of the Trigger port (TCP, UDP, or All).This is the port number on the Internet side that will be usedto access the application. You may define a single port or arange of ports. You can use a comma to add multiple portsor port ranges.Select the protocol of the Firewall port (TCP, UDP, or ALL).The schedule of time when the Application Rule will beenabled. The schedule may be set to Always, which will allowthe particular service to always be enabled. You can create yourown schedule in the Tools > Schedules section.Click on Save Settings.Name:Trigger:Traffic Type:Firewall:Traffic Type:Schedule:Application RulesSome applications require multiple connections, such as Internet gaming, video conferencing, Internet telephony and others.These applications have difficulty working through NAT (Network Address Translation). Special Application Rules make someof these applications work with the DIR-818LW. If you need to run applications that require multiple connections, specify theport normally associated with an application in the Trigger Port field, select the protocol type as TCP or UDP, then enter theFirewall (public) ports associated with the trigger port to open them for inbound traffic.