115D-Link DIR-816L User ManualSection 3 - ConfigurationRegister mydlink Service Wizard: Step 2When registering a new account, the following page appears. The fol-lowing parameters will be available for configuration:E-mail Address (AccountName):Enter your e-mail address here. This e-mailaddress will also become your accountname.Password: Enter your preferred password choicehere.Confirm Password: Re-enter your preferred password choicehere.Last Name: Enter your last name here.First Name: Enter your first name here.Accept terms andconditions:Tick this option to accept the mydlinkterms and conditions.Click the Next button to proceed to the next step.Click the Prev button to return to the previous step.Click the Cancel button to discard the changes made and return to themain page.When logging in with an existing account, the following page appears.The following parameters will be available for configuration:E-mail Address (AccountName):Enter your e-mail address here. This e-mailaddress will also be your account name.Password: Enter your preferred password choicehere.Click the Login button to login using these account details.Click the Prev button to return to the previous step.Click the Cancel button to discard the changes made and return to themain page.