97D-Link DIR-510L User ManualSection 4 - ConfigurationSharePortOn this page, you can configure the various storage sharing features of your router. The DLNAserver allows you to stream stored pictures, music, and video to another DLNA-compatible deviceon your network. SharePort Web Access allows you to use a web browser to access stored files froma PC connected to your network. Click Save to store your settings.Status:DLNA.Media.ServerName:Slide to enable or disable the DLNA Media Server function.Enter a name for the DLNA Media Server.DLNA.MEDIA.SERVERStatus:Direct.Links:Slide to enable or disable the SharePort Web Accessfunction.Click on the first link to reach your SharePort page usingHTTP protocol.Click on the second link to reach your SharePort pageusing HTTPS protocol.SHAREPORT.WEB.ACCESS