65D-Link GO-RT-AC750 User ManualSection 3 - ConfigurationDMZ IP Address:PPTP:IPSEC (VPN):RTSP:SIP:Specify the IP address of the computer on the LAN that you want tohave unrestricted Internet communication. If this computer obtainsit’s IP address automatically using DHCP, be sure to make a staticreservation on the Setup > Network Settings page so that the IPaddress of the DMZ machine does not change.Allows multiple machines on the LAN to connect to their corporatenetwork using PPTP protocol.Allows multiple VPN clients to connect to their corporate networkusing IPSec. Some VPN clients support traversal of IPSec throughNAT. This ALG may interfere with the operation of such VPN clients.If you are having trouble connecting with your corporate network,try turning this ALG off. Please check with the system administratorof your corporate network whether your VPN client supportsNAT traversal.Allows application that uses Real Time Streaming Protocol to receivestreaming media from the Internet. QuickTime and Real Player aresome of the common applications using this protocol.Allows devices and applications using VoIP (Voice over IP) tocommunicate across NAT. Some VoIP applications and devices havethe ability to discover NAT devices and work around them. This ALGmay interfere with the operation of such devices. If you are havingtrouble making VoIP calls, try turning this ALG off.