28D-Link DAP-1610 User ManualSection 3 - ConfigurationExisting NetworkExisting Network Select the type of existing network, either Ethernet or Wi-Fiyou want the DAP-1610 to connect to. Select Ethernet if youare connecting to your network via an Ethernet cable. SelectWi-Fi if you are connecting to your network by wireless means.Wi-Fi - Existing NetworkIf Wi-Fi is selected, the following Wi-Fi Existing Network options will appear.Wi-Fi Name (SSID) Type in the Wi-Fi Name of the network you would like toextend.Password Type in the password of the network you would like to extend.Scan If Scan is pressed, a window will pop up showing you availableWi-Fi networks. You can choose the network you would like toextend. After selecting the network option, press Select andyou will be prompted to enter a password if required. PressOK to confirm your selection.