page 78. Blade Assembly.WARNING: To reduce the risk of seriousbodily injury, DO NOT use power tools toassemble the blades. If overtightened, bladesmay crack and break.Time Saver: Washers for blade screws can beset on each blade screw prior to installingblades.Locate 15 blade attachment screws andwashers in one of the hardware packs. Holdblade arm up to blade and align holes. Insert3 blade attachment screws (along withwashers) with fingers first and then tightenscrews securely with a Phillips screwdriver.Repeat for the remaining blades.Locate 10 blade arm screws and lock washersin hardware pack. Slide a blade arm into oneof the sqaure holes in the side of the motorhousing, making sure to align the blade armholes with the motor screw holes, and thenattach blade arm with lock washers and bladearm screws. Before securing screwspermanently, repeat this procedure withremaining blade arms. Secure all screws.Note: Tighten blade arm screws twice a year.7. Canopy Assembly.Locate 2 screws on underside of hangingbracket and remove screw closest to the openend of the hanging bracket. Partially loosenthe other screw. Lift canopy to hangingbracket. Place rounded part of slotted hole incanopy over loosened screw in hangingbracket and push up. Twist canopy to lock.Re-insert screw that was removed and thentighten both screws securely. Slide canopycover up to canopy, aligning rounded part ofslotted holes in canopy cover withscrewheads in bottom of canopy. Turn canopycover to the right (clockwise) until it stops.canopy screwscrewcanopy covermotorhousingbladeblade armsquare holebladeattachmentscrewsand washerslock washersand bladearm screwshanging bracket