ASUS Essentio Desktop PC 21AI ProbeAI Probe automatically detects and displays the motherboard and CPUtemperatures, CPU fan speed, and the voltage output. You can adjust thevalues as you need.Click the Temperature, Voltage, or Fan Speed tab, then select an item toenable and change the value by dragging the bar.My FavoritesMy Favorites allows you to add applications that you frequentlyuse, saving time from searching for the applications throughoutyour computer.To add an application:1. Click Add, then locate the application you want to add to MyFavorites.2. Click Open on the file location window. The application isadded to My Favorites list.Right click on the application icon to launch, delete, or renamethe selected application. You can also double click to launch theselected application.SupportClick any links on the Support window to go to the ASUSwebsite, technical support website, download support website,or contact information.InformationClick the tab on the Information window to see the detailedinformation about your system, motherboard, CPU, BIOS, installeddevices, and memory.