Craftsman 919.161020 Manual
Operatinq The Paint Tank (cont')PRESSURE REGULATOR(DO NOT EXCEED 80 PSI)AIRAIR REGULATOR (RECOMMENDED,/ NOT INCLUDED)AIR COMPRESSORWITH REGULATORAIR FILTER(RECOMMENDED,NOT INCLUDED)MATERIAL HOSE(INSIDE PAINT TANK)JCleaninq InstructionsAlways shut off air pressure at source andbleed off all pressure in Paint Tank bygently pulling safety valve ring beforeloosening thumb screw and clamps to re-move lid.It is very important that the tank, material hose, and spraygun be cleaned as soon as spray job is finished. Turn offthe main air supply to the tank. Remove all pressure fromthe tank by pulling the ring on the safety valve until thepressure bleeds down. Turn the T-handle adjusting screwon the regulator counter-clockwise until no spring tensionis felt.Loosen thumb screws, tip clamps back and tip tank lid toone side. Loosen spray gun air cap retaining ring aboutthree turns then turn on the air supply. Cup cloth over aircap on the gun and pull trigger. This will force the materialback through the hose, into the tank. Empty and cleantank and parts which come in contact with the material.Use a suitable solvent. Pour solvent into the tank.Replace lid and tighten the thumb screws and clampsand spray until clean solvent appears.6- ENG |
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