,pth Control LeverRecoil StarterCurb HeightAdjustmentLeverPrimerFigure4Be familiarwith all the controlsand their properoperation.Knowhowto stopthe machineand disengageit quickly.BLADE CONTROLLocatedon the upperhandle,the blade controlmustbe depressedagainstthe upperhandlein orderto operatetheedger.Releasingthebladecontrol stopsthe engineand the edger blade.BLADE DEPTH CONTROL LEVERThe bladedepthcontrol leveris locatedon the rightside of the upperhandle.It is usedto controlthe depthof the cut.The furtherforwardthe blade depthcontrolleveris moved,the deeperintothe soil theedger bladewill cut.BEVEL ADJUSTMENT LEVERThe beveladjustmentleveris locatedon the front,left portionof theedger,behindthe edgerblade.It is usedto vary the angleof the edgerbladebetweenone of three positionsforedging/trenchingor bevelededging.RECOIL STARTERCURB HEIGHT ADJUSTMENT LEVERThecurb heightadjustmentleveris foundon the rearportionof theedger.Whenplacedin an applicablenotch,it aidsin stabilizingtheedgerwhileedging grassalong a curb.The recoilstarteris usedto startthe engine.OIL FILLReferto the Maintenancesectionfor instructionson checkingthe oil.PRIMERThe primeris usedto pumpgas intothe carburetorand aid in startingthe engine.Use it to starta cold engine,but do not use it to restartawarm engineaftera short shutdown.9