Thegeneratorshouldbestartedatleastonceeverysevendaysandallowedtorunat least30minutes.Ifthiscannotbedoneandyoumuststoretheunitformorethan30days,usethefollowinginformationasaguideto prepareitforstorage.Long Term Storage _nstructionsit is important to prevent gum deposits from forming inessential fuel system parts such as the carburetor, fuelfilter, fuel hose or tank during storage. Also,experience indicates that abohoPblended fuels (calledgasohol, ethanol or methanol) can attract moisture,which leads to separation and formation of acidsduring storage. Acidic gas can damage the fuelsystem of an engine while in storage.To avoid engine problems, the fuel system should beemptied before storage of 30 days or longer. Followthese instructions:WARNINGWHEN STORING FUEL OR EQUIPMENT WITH FUEL INTANKStore away from furnaces, stoves, water heaters, clothesdryers or other appliances that have pilot light or otherignition source because they can ignite fuel vapors.WHEN DRA_NBNGFUELTurn generator OFF and let it cool at bast 2 minutesbefore removing fuel cap. Loosen cap slowly to relievepressure in tank.Drain fuel tank outdoors.Keep fuel away from sparks, open flames, pilot lights,heat, and other ignition sources.DO NOT light a cigarette or smoke.Protect Fuel System• Remove all fuel from the fuel tank to prevent gumdeposits from forming on these parts and causingpossible engine malfunction.• Run engine until engine stops from lack of fuel.Change OilWhile engine is still warm, drain oil from crankcase.Refill with recommended grade.OHCylinder Bore• Remove spark plug and pour about 1 ounce (30ml)of clean engine oil into the cylinder.• Install spark plug and crank slowly to distribute oil.WARNING;park plug removed.Generator• Clean the generator as outlined on page 12 ("ToClean the Generator").• Check that cooling air slots and openings ongenerator are open and unobstructed.Other Storage Tips• DO NOT store fuel from one season to another.• Replace your fuel can if the can starts to rust. Rustand/or dirt in your fuel will cause problems.• If possible, store your unit indoors and cover it togive protection from dust and dirt. BE SURE TOEMPTY THE FUEL TANK.• Cover your unit with a suitable protective cover thatdoes not retain moisture.• Store generator in clean, dry area.WARNINGDO NOT place a storage cover over a hot generator.Let equipment coot for a sufficient time before placingthe cover on the equipment.15