z_,_LWARNING: Always stop unitand disconnect spark plug wire (ordisconnect powerhead from powersource) before performing mainte-nance, service, or adjustments exceptfor carburetor adjustments.CHAIN SHARPENINGChain sharpening is a complicated taskthat requires special tools. We recom-mended you refer chain sharpening to aprofessional chain sharpener.CHAIN REPLACEMENT,_ WARNING: Wear protectivegloves when handling chain. Thechain is sharp and can cut you evenwhen it is not moving.It is normal for a new chain to stretchduring the first 15 minutes of operation.You should recheck your chain tensionfrequently and adjust the chain tensionas required. See CHAIN TENSION sec-tion.Replace the old chain when it becomesworn or damaged. Use only the Low-Kickback replacement chain specified inthe repair parts list.TO REPLACE CHAIN:1. Move ON/OFF switch to tile OFFposition and disconnect spark plug(or disconnect powerhead frompower source).2. Remove bar clamp nut.3. Remove bar clamp.4. Turn adjusting screw by handcounterclockwise until adjustingpin just touches the stop.5. Slide guide bar behind sprocketuntil guide bar stops againstsprocket.6. Remove the old chain.7. Carefully remove new chain frompackage. Hold chain with the drivelinks as shown.Tip ofBarJCUTTERS MUST FACE IF' /DIRECTION QF ROTATIONCutters Depth GaugeDrive Links8. Place chain over sprocket, fittingthe drive links in the sprocket.9. Fit bottom of drive links between theteeth in the sprocket in the nose ofthe guide bar.10. Fit chain drive links into bargroove.11. Pull guide bar forward until chain issnug in guide bar groove. Ensureall drive links are in the bar groove.12. Now, install bar clamp making surethe adjusting pin is positioned inthe lower hole in the guide bar.Lower Hole/ @ Adj_S Guide Bar13. Install bar clamp nut and fingertighten only. Do not tighten any fur-ther at this point. Proceed to theCHAIN ADJUSTMENT section.CHAIN ADJUSTMENTSee CHECK CHAIN TENSION in MAiN-TENANCE section.13