Thisunitis shippedWITHOUT GASOUNE or OIL. Afterassembly, see separate engine manual for proper fueland engine oil recommendations.TOOLS REQUIRED FOR ASSEMBLY(1) Screwdriver(!) Pliers(2) 7/16" Wrenches(2) 1/2" Wrench(2) 9/16" Wrenches(2) 3/4" Wrenches (only if figure 12 on page 12 is used)REMOVAL OF PARTS FROM CARTONS• Remove the hardware packs and all loose parts fromthe cartons.Lay out and identify parts shown in carton contents.Lay out and identify parts in the hardware packs.Keep contents of each hardware package separate.CART ASSEMBLYAssemble latch lock lever to rear tongue using 5/16"x 4" hex bolt and 5/16" nylock nut. Tighten nut untilsnug against side of rear tongue. See figure 1A.Attach the spring to the hole in the latch lock leverand the hole in the tongue. See figure 1B.Attach the hitch bracket to the front tongue using two3/8" x 1" bolts and 3/8" nylock nuts. See figure 2.Assemble the front tongue on top of the rear tongueusing three 3/8" x 3" hex bolts and 3/8" nylock nuts.See figure 2.Install the hitch pin and the hair cotter pin in the hitchbracket and front tongue. See figure 2.3/8" x 3"HEX BOLTHITCH PiN318"x 1" XHEX BOLTX3/8" NYLOCK NUT _ @ @iHAiR .,......._%COTTER PiNFIGURE 2LATCHLOCKLEVER5/16" x 4"HEX BOLT5/16" NYLOCK NUT//" WELDED PLATEAssemble the rear tongue to the wheel support bysliding the axle through the holes in the tongue andwheel support as shown in figure 3._ HOLE FOR AXLEFIGURE 1 FIGURE 39