Iffertilizerisaccidentallydepositedtooheavilyina smallarea,soaktheareathoroughlywitha gardenhoseorsprinklertopreventburningofthelawn.Toinsureuniformcoverage,makeeachpasssothatthebroadcastpatternslightlyoverlapsthepatternfromthepreviouspassasshowninfigure13.Theapproximatebroadcastwidthsfordifferentmaterialsareshownintheapplicationchartonthispage.REFER /tTO _CHARTS \ \OVERLAP/IMPORTANT: Application rates shown in the chart areaffected by humidity and by the moisture content ofthe material (granular and pellet). Some minor settingadjustments may be necessary to compensate for thiscondition.APPLICATION CHART (SHIELD UP)TYPE SPREADMATERIAL FLOW SETTING WIDTHFERTILIZERPowderGranularPelletedOrganicGRASS SEEDFineCoarseICE MELTER3-53-53-56-83-44-56-8; - 4;8'- 10'10'- 12'6'-8'; _ 7 _8'-9'10'- 12'OPERATING SPEED - 3 IVIPH, (100 ft. in 23 seconds)FIGURE 13When broadcasting weed control fertilizers, make surethe broadcast pattern does not hit evergreen trees,flowers or shrubs.Heavy moistu re conditions may require a cover over thehopper to keep contents dry. The vinyl cover (shown infigure 14) acts as a wind and moisture shield, but notas a rain cover.VINYL COVERFIGURE 14lO