7Call 1-866-576-8388 for missing parts or assembly helpDO NOT RETURN TO STOREstep 11: (see FIGUre 11)• Assemble the flow control mounting bracket to thehitch tube using two 1/4" x 1-1/2" hex bolts, four 5/16"flat washers and two 1/4" nylock nuts. do not tightenat this time.FIGUre 11FLOW CONTROLMOUNTING BRACKET1/4" x 1-1/2"HEX BOLT1/4" NYLOCKNUT5/16" FLATWASHER5/16" FLATWASHERstep 12: (see FIGUre 12)• Place the adjustable stop into the "ON" end of the slotin the top of the flow control mounting bracket. Securewith the 1/4" x 3/4" carriage bolt, a nylon washer, a5/16" flat washer and the nylon wing nut.5/16" FLATWASHERNYLONWASHER1/4" x 3/4"CARRIAGE BOLTNYLONWING NUTADJUSTABLESTOPFIGUre 12step 13: (see FIGUre 13)• Position the flow control mounting bracket.• Push on flow control arm until it locks in "OFF" position.• Slide flow control mounting bracket along tube untilclosure plate in bottom of hopper just closes.• Snug the 1/4" lock nuts just enough to hold flow controlmounting bracket in place.• Set adjustable stop at "5". Pull flow control arm againststop. Verify that closure plate has opened about half way.• If closure plate does not open half way, it may beclosed too far at "OFF". Adjust position of flow controlmounting bracket until closure plate will open abouthalf way at "5" and still close when arm is locked in"OFF". tighten 1/4" lock nuts.OFFON12346789105FLOWCONTROLARMONOFFAJDUSTABLESTOPSETTING "5"FIGUre 13• Before operating the spreader, pre-lubricate per thelubrication instructions in the owner's manual.