ASSEMBLY iNSTRUCTiONSTOOLSYOU WILL NEED FOR ASSEMBLY(2) 7/16" Wrenches(1) 1/2" Wrench(1) 1/2" Socket WrenchNOTE: Right hand (RH) and left hand (LH) aredetermined from the operator's position while seated onthe tractor.FOR LAWN TRACTORS ONLY. Skip to page 5 ifyou have a garden tractor.STEP 1" (Figure 1)Attach the two support brackets to the base bracketassembly.STEP 2: (Figure 1)Attach an adhesive pad to each support bracket.ADHESIVE PAD (16)lSUPPORT BRACKET (7)1/4" NYLOCK NUT (11)\1/4" × 3/4" HEX BOLT (12)FIGURE 1STEP 3: (FIGURE 2)Raise the tractor seat and remove the seat springs andfour bolts from the rear fender using a 1/2" socket.STEP 4: (FIGURE 2)Attach the base bracket assembly and the seat springsto the fender using the bolts and washers supplied withthe sun shade. Tighten the bolts using moderate force.Overtightening might damage the threaded holes in thefender.STEP 5: (FIGURE 2)Insert the plastic caps into the ends of the base brackettube.5/16" x 1"HEX BOLT (13)5/16" × 1"HEX BOLT (13).js116"WASHER(0)_d)]j SPRINGPLASTICJ_-_" CAP (15)FIGURE 24 Call 1-866-576-8388 for missing parts or assembly helpDO NOT RETURN TO STORE