ATTACHINGSWEEPER HITCH TO TRACTOR• Place the tractor and sweeper on a flat levelsurface.• Set the sweeper height adjustment handle to aboutthe middle of its adjustment range.Attach the sweeper hitch to the tractor hitch,arranging the hitch spacers into one of the eightpossible combinations shown in GROUP A andGROUP B diagrams below.IMPORTANT: To obtain the best performance fromyour sweeper, arrange the hitch spacers so that thesweeper bag is approximately level with the groundand approximately 3" to 4" off the ground as shown infigure 20.GROUP "'A" - For riding mowerswith 8" to 10-1/2" groundclearance to hitch.HITCH TONGUEWITH HITCH BRACKET MOUNTED'BELOW HITCH TONGUE "_BLACK LINE IS TRACTOR HITCHT WO SPACERS ABOVE TRACTOR__ HITCH-- _JEZ_D___ONE SPACER ABOVE AND BELOWTRACTOR HITCHTwoSPACERSBELOWTRACTORHITCHTWO SPACERS AND HITCH BARBELOW TRACTOR HITCHr'rTl ETT3[ --- .APPROXIMATELY LEVEL(3" TO 4" FROM SURFACE)FIGURE 20GROUP "B" - For tractorswith 10-1/2" to 13" groundclearance to hitch.WITH HITCH BRACKET MOUNTEDABOVE HITCH TONGUEHITCH TONGUE---BLACKLINE IS TRACTOR HITCHJ /'_ TWO SPACERS ABOVE TRACTOR_-. '" _. HITCHONE SPACER ABOVE AND BELOWITWO SPACERS BELOW TRACTOR/_ TWO SPACERS AND HITCH BRACKET-n' BELOWTRACTORH,TCH10