PUMP PERFORMANCEDischarge Height in Feet Above Pumping LevelModel HP 3'390.269451 1/8 26.0390.269551 1/4 30.05' 10'25.0 21.528.5 24.515'17.520.0For maximum performance, purchase Sump/Utility Hose Kit, SEARS Stock No. 27909.20'11.014.5 GPMGARDEN HOSE PERFORMANCEModel No. 390.269451Type of Length of "Hose Hose25'1/2" 50'HOSE 75'100'25'518" 50'HOSE 75'100'VerticalPumpingDi_ance3' 5' 10' 15' 20'8.5 8.2 7.0 5.7 4.36.1 5.8 5.1 4.3 3,05.0 4.8 4,4 3.5 2.44.5 4.3 3.6 2.9 1.711.4 10.8 9.2 7.4 5.18.6 8.3 6,9 5.6 4.07.0 6.6 5.7 4,6 3.16.1 5.9 5,0 4.2 2.9Model No. 390.269551Type of Length ofHose Hose25'1_" 50'HOSE 75'100'25'_8" 50'HOSE 75'100'3 7 5 _Vertical Pumping Distance10' 15' 20'6.7 5.25.0 4.03.7 3.13.3 2,98.9 6.86.5 4.95.4 4,14.9 7.56.5 shown in gallons per minute.6