MAINTENANCE3. Remove seal plate from motor by inserting two screwdriversbetween the seal plate and the motor flange. Pry seal plate offmotor flange. This will force rotating portion of seal off shaft.NOTE: Be sure you do not scratch shaft!See Figures 7 & 8.MOTOR FLANGE ERHALF/ POLISHED SURFACE,_:/./_ OF FLOATING SEAL//_ 3/4" PIPECUP SEAL _ ......Figure 9Figure 7F. Reassemble seal plate to motor flange. BE SURE it is right sideup: index pins should be down; seal plate is marked at top. SeeFigures 10A and lOB.TOP OF MOTOR FLANGECOPPER SEATFLOATINGSEATFigure 8MEMBER4. Place seal plate face down on flat surface and tap out ceramicseat.NOTICE: Do not force out copper insert, ff it has moved, leakagewill occur. See section on installing copper insert on Page 10.Clean seal cavity.InstaLl new seal.5.6.A.B.C,D,E.Clean polished surface of ceramic seat with clean cloth.Wet outer edge of cup seal with petroleum jelly or detergentsolution.With finger pressure, press firmly and squarely into cavity.Polished face of seat faces inside of pump. If seat will not lo-cate properly, place cardboard washer over polished face anduse piece of 3/4" standard pipe for pressing purposes. SeeFigure 9.Dispose of cardboard washer and dean surface of seat.Clean motor shaft.Figure I 0ASEAL PLATE INDEX PINSSLIDE IN HEREMOTOR FLANGE SEAL PLATEiNDEX PINSFigure I 0BG,H.Apply detergent solution to inside diameter of rotating sealmember.Slide rotating member on shaft untO rubber drive ring tOts shaftshoulder.NOTE: Be sure you do not chip or scratch seal face on shaRshoulder or seal will leak!9