ASSEMBLY(if tool is received assembled, repeat all steps in this section to be sure assembly is correct and is ad-justed for the operator.)This Operator's Manual is designed to help you as-semble the tool and to provide its safe operation. It isimportant that you read the entire manual to becomefamiliar with the tool before you begin assembly. Ifyou have any questions or need further assistance,call our CUSTOMER ASSISTANCE HOTLINE at1-800-235-5878.i i ,,,m,,,,, ii i ii iii i,,,,,,,,, ,,,i iB.ASSEMBLY STEPSHardware referred to in the following sectionsare shown in actual size in Figure I.1. TUBEa. Place screws "A." into the holes on the frontshroudas shown in Figure2.b. Positionlocknuts"D."inlowerholes.c. Hold locknuts "D." in place; tighten screwswith small hex wrench (provided) just enoughto hold hardware together.d. Remove the packing cover from the straightend of the tube if so equipped. Your unit maynot have a packing cover._TE: Make sure the drive shaft does not fallout of the tube. Dirt on the shaft will significantlyreduce the life of the unit. If the drive shaft fallsout of the tube, dean, re-lubricate, and re-in-stal!. See "Drive Shaft Lubrication" in the Cus-tomer Responsibilities section.e. Align the bottom groove on the tube with theridge on the lower wall of the engine opening.f. Turn the arbor shaft at the bottom of the tubeas necessary to _ the square endofthe shaftwith the square h01e inside the front opening ofthe engine. Figure 2 (inset).g. Firmlypush _abeinto the engine openinguntilthe nose cone contacts the foam grip. Figure 2.h. Tighten screws "A_" alternately ,_ith the hexwrench until secure. Figure 2.ii i ii MII u IV I ,,,,,,, ,,,,JUl, II2. HANDLEBAR ASSEMBLYa. Locate the decal on the handlebar. Align themounting block between the arrows on the de-cal; then, seat the handlebar in the mountingblock.b.Positionthe coverbetween the arrowson thehandlebarand alignscrewholes.c. Insertscrews"C."and tightensecurely.NOTE: Refer to the illustration on the front cover forproper positioning.,,,11111 i iiii ii iii i i !2. Tools you will need:- Small Hex Wrench (provided)- Large Hex Wrench (provided)- Adjustable Wrench- Standard Screwdriveriiiiiiiiiiiiii i ii ii iiii i H/Locknuts D.Close up view; HoleScrewsA.\material that may beonthe end of the tube.It may be necessary toturn the arbor shaft toalign with the square hole.Figure 2|, i , iCover /Figure 3BlockHandlebar