NEWI Magstic Non-Marring Adhesive Strips. (see Fig. 2)Magstic is an innovative technology that is washable and reusable.. To use,remove the "RED" tab (Toot Side) and apply the Magstic adhesive strip to theunderside of the tool's base, Remove the "GREEN" tab (Wall Side) and pressthe tool firmly against the surface in the desired location° After leveling, carefullyremove the tool and base from the surface. Replace the green plastic tab on thewall side of the Magstic for storage. The Magstic adhesive strips should remainon the base of the toot. OnceMagstic is removed from thetools base, it will no longer beusable,To clean the wall side of theMagstic adhesive, wipe adamp cloth across each strip..Once the wall side adhesivehas become non-usable,replace with fresh adhesivestrips,|" , ll,. " . t./,. - . U,. " . U,._IFig_2Placing Magstic on the Baseof the Palm Grip Laser Level(see Fig, 3)For best adhesion, place thetool side of the adhesive onthe bottom of the base of thetoo! firsL Then position thetool on the smooth wall orsurface in the desired loca-tion. The tool can then beleveled on the base for thedesired angle.,_ CAUTION Remove theMagstic from the wall afteruse, Place the "wall-side"protective tab back on theadhesive material to helpkeep it clean. If the Magsticmaterial is soiled during use,Fig, 3¢it can be cleaned with a damp cloth, Magstic is not intended to be usedonce it has been removed from the tool. Once removed from the tool, thestrips wilt not be usable, Replace with new Magstic strips,4B291 ManLtBLRevlsed_O6,Ogo7 F_ge 5