Craftsman 320.48290 Product Manual
Zero Button - Absolute/relative angle conversion button for comparing two worksurface angles.1. When the level is first turned on, it is in the absolute angle mode and displaysthe angle from true level.2. Take a measurement of the first work surface; the LCD screen indicates theangle between that surface and true level.3. Press the zero button for the relative angle mode, and the level will set the firstangle to zero.4. Move the digital level to the second work surface, and the LCD screenindicates the relative angle between the first and second surfaces.5. To return to absolute angle again, turn the power button off and back on.Convert Button - Converts the angle display on the LCD screen among threedifferent units.• Press the button to proceed through the display units: Degrees (o),Slope (%),and Pitch (in/ft).• Pitch readings are in increments of 1/8-in. per ft. Plus and minus signs indicatewhether the pitch is slightly more (+) or slightly less (-) than the pitch that isshown on the display..LASERTRAC ALIGNMENT (Fig. 5)This digital level contains a laser diode located inside the left end cap. Itprovides a bright, 635-665 nanometer beam with a useful visibility that extendsup to 300-ft. indoors or outdoors (This range is only applicable at night or in adark environment).1. To activate the LaserTrac,press in the Laser onDemand Button locatedon the right end cap of thelevel (Fig. 5).2. The center of the laserbeam is 1-1/8-inch abovethe bottom (working)surface of the level.Remember that the laserFig.Laser On Demand Buttonpoint will be 1-1/8 inch higher than the surface on which the laser is sitting.3. Level the work surface, and the laser will project up to 300-feet away toenable you to level large areas.4. The laser projects a round dot on the targeted surface. The dot size andshape may change slightly with distance, temperature, or target-surfacematerial. The point to reference is the center of the dot pattern.TO USE THE LEVEL FOR HORIZONTAL AND PLUMB MEASUREMENTSHorizontal and Plumb measurements can be made with both the bubble vial andthe LCD display featuresHorizontalUse the level on horizontal surfaces to determine when they are level. Place thelevel against the horizontal surface. The surface will be at true level when thebubble is positioned exactly between the marks on the level vial.The LCD display represents the surface you are measuring as a line, either aboveor below the 0, or true level, line, with an arrow showing whether the surfaceshould be raised or lowered in order to be level.The digital display shows the degree to which thesurface is "out of level." If the sound is turned on,the level will beep when true level, or 0% is reached.Plumb (Fig. 6)• To find the plumb of a work surface, place thedigital level against the vertical surface with theplumb bubble vial at the top. The surface will be attrue plumb when the bubble is positioned exactlybetween the marks on the vial.The LCD display will show the actual angle of thesurface. "Plumb" is 90°; a beep will sound at 90 °if the sound function is turned on.TO USE THE LEVEL FOR ANGLEMEASUREMENTS Fig. 7Pitch (Fig. 7)• The digital level can be used tomeasure pitch, for example, thepitch of a roof.• Pitch is measured in inches ofrise per foot of run.• The pitch will be displayed asinches (in 1/8-in. increments)per foot, with a + or a - sign toindicate that the pitch is slightly above or below the displayed measurement. Pushthe Convert button to change the display to Pitch mode (in/ft).48290 Manual Revised 07-0823 Page 10 48290 Manual Revised 07-0823 Page 11 |
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