SETTING THE BEVEL LOCK LEVERSee Figures 18A- 18C.The bevel lock lever locks the blade at desired anglesother than the preset positive stop angles. The bevellock lever is preset at the factory but may needreadjustment after shipping or extended use. Checkfor overtightness or looseness and make any neces-sary adjustments as follows:The bevel lock lever is located on the front of the yokeassembly, near the bottom. It is attached to a clampbolt that controls the amount of tightness.[] Pull the bevel lock lever forward to unlock it. Usethe bevel index knob (just under the handle) torotate the motor approximately 30 °. Lock the bevellock lever.[] if the bevel lock lever is difficult to lock, the clampbolt needs to be loosened. If the motor can beforced out of position, the clamp bolt needs to betightened.[] Remove the socket screw (under the bevel locklever) and star washer with a 1/8 in. hex key.[] Use the bevel lock handle as a wrench to tighten orloosen the clamp bolt. The clamp bolt has a right-handed thread. Tighten it left to right.[] When the bolt is correctly set, remove the bevellock lever from the clamp bolt and place it roughlyparallel to the yoke assembly.[] Replace the socket screw and star washer. Re-check the tightness of the bevel lock lever. Repeatthe steps above until the motor is secure whenlocked, and the bevel lock lever fits squarelyagainst the yoke assembly.CLAMP BOLTmI BEVEL1/8 in. BEX KEY ./_ LOCKLEVERFig. 18B/BEVEL LOCK LEVERiNCORRECTLOCKEDPOSITIONFig. 18CBEVELBEVEL INDEXKNOB MOTOR Fig. 18ALOCK LEVER27 t:RRFTSMnN RADIAL SAW 315.220100