UNPACKINGThis product has been shipped completely assembled.• Carefully remove the tool and any accessories from thebox. Make sure that all items listed in the packing listare included.• Inspect the tool carefully to make sure no breakage ordamage occurred during shipping.• Do not discard the packing material until you havecarefully inspected and satisfactorily operated the tool.• If any parts are damaged or missing, please call1-800-932-3188 for assistance.PACKING LIST3.6V Cordless ScrewdriverCharger & Charging Stand2 Screwdriver BitsOperator's ManualWARNING: If any parts are missing do not operatethis tool until the missing parts are replaced. Failureto do so could result in possible serious personalinjury.WARNING: Do not attempt to modify this toolor create accessories not recommended for usewith this tool. Any such alteration or modification ismisuse and could result in a hazardous conditionleading to possible serious personal injury._ WARNING: To prevent accidental starting thatcould cause serious personal injury, always removethe battery pack from the tool when assemblingparts.,_ WARNING: Do not allow familiarity with tools tomake you careless. Remember that a carelessfraction of a second is sufficient to inflict seriousinjury.,_ WARNING: Always wear safety goggles or safetyglasses with side shields when operating tools.Failure to do so could result in objects being throwninto your eyes, resulting in possible serious injury.APPLICATIONSYou may use this tool for the following purposes:• Using driving accessories, such as driving screws withscrewdriver bits.• Light-duty drillingCHARGING THE SCREWDRIVERThis tool has been shipped in a low charge condition toprevent possible problems. Therefore, you should chargeit overnight prior to use.NOTE: Batteries will not reach full charge the first timethey are charged. Allow several cycles (driving screwsfollowed by recharging) for them to become fully charged.If the charger does not charge the screwdriver undernormal circumstances, return both the screwdriver andcharger to the nearest Sears Service Center for electricalcheck.TO CHARGE SCREWDRIVER WITHOUTUSING CHARGING STANDSee Figure 3.• Insert charger plug into input jack making sure they areproperly connected.• Charger can be used with normal household volt-age of 120 volts, 60 Hz, AC only.• Connect charger to power supply.• After normal usage, a minimum of 10 hours of chargingtime is required to fully charge screwdriver.• Do not place charger in an area of extreme heat orcold. It will work best at normal room temperature./ i CHARGERINPUTJACK \\\\CHARGERPLUGFig. 310