Craftsman 247.88045 Operator's Manual
Also see for 247.88045: Operator's manual
5. Oncethe engine starts,releasestarterbutton.6. As the enginewarms,slowlyrotatechokecontrolto theOFFposition.If the enginefalters,quicklyrotatechoke controlback toFULL 14D"Ithenslowlyintothe OFF positionagain.7. Whendisconnectingthe extensioncord, alwaysunplugthe endat the three-prongwall outletbeforeunpluggingthe oppositeendfrom the snowthrower.Recoil Starter1. Rotatechoke controlto FULL IJl choke position(coldenginestart).NOTE: If the engineis alreadywarm, placechoke controlin the OFFinsteadof FULL IJ|.position2. Pushthe primertwo or threetimes forcold enginestart, makingsureto covervent hole in the centerof the primerwhenpushing.NOTE: DONOT useprimerto restarta warm engineafter a shortshutdown.NOTE:Additionalprimingmaybe necessaryif the temperatureisbelow15° Fahrenheit.3. Graspthe recoilstarterhandleand slowlypull the rope out. At thepointwhereit becomesslightlyharderto pull the rope,slowlyallowthe rope to recoil.4. Pull the starterhandlewith a firm,rapid stroke.Do notreleasethe handleand allowit to snapback.Keepa firm hold on thestarterhandleand allow it to slowlyrecoil.5. As the enginewarms,slowlyrotatethe chokecontrolto the OFFposition.If the enginefalters,quicklyrotatethe chokecontrolback to the FULL I,_1 positionand thenslowlyinto the OFFpositionagain.NOTE:Allowthe engineto warm up for a few minutesafter starting.The enginewill notdevelopfull poweruntilit reachesoperatingtemperatures.STOPPING THE ENGINERunenginefor a few minutesbeforestoppingto helpdry off anymoistureon the engine.Movethrottlecontrolto STOP1. position.2. Removethe ignitionkey and store in a safe place.3. Wipeall snowand moisturefrom the areaaroundthe engineaswellas the area in and aroundthe drivecontrol and augercontrol.Also,engageand releasebothcontrolsseveraltimes.TO ENGAGE DRIVE1. With thethrottlecontrol in the Fast_ position,moveshift leverintoone of the six forward(F) positionsor two reverse(R)positions.Selecta speedappropriatefor the snow conditionsanda paceyou'recomfortablewith.NOTE: Whenselectinga Drive Speed,usethe slowerspeedsuntilyou are comfortableand familiarwith theoperationof the snowthrower.2. Squeezethe drivecontrolagainstthe handlethe snowthrowerwill move.Releaseit and drivemotionwill stop.NOTE:NEVERrepositionthe shift lever(changespeedsor directionof travel)withoutfirst releasingthedrive controland bringingthesnowthrowerto a completestop.Doingso will resultin prematureweartothe snowthrower'sdrivesystem.TO ENGAGE AUGERS1. Toengagethe augersand startthrowingsnow,squeezetheaugercontrol againstthe left handle.Releaseto stop the augers.REPLACING SHEAR PiNSThe augersare securedto the spiralshaft with two shearpinsand cot-ter pins. if theauger shouldstrikea foreignobjector ice jam, the snowthroweris designedso that the shearpins mayshear.If the augerswillnotturn, checkto see if the pins havesheared.See Figure12.NEVERreplacethe augershearpinswith anythingotherthan OEMPart No. 738-04124Areplacementshearpins.Any damageto theaugergearboxor othercomponentsas a resultof failingto do so willNOT be coveredbyyour snowthrower'swarranty.Alwaysturnoff the snow thrower'sengineand removethe key priortcreplacingshearpins.//Figure1215 |
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