11OPERATIONTHroTTLe ConTroLThe throttle control is located on the rear of the engine.It regulates the speed of the engine and will shut off theengine when moved into the STOP position.SKiD SHoeSPosition the skid shoes based on surface conditions. Adjustupward for hard-packed snow. Adjust downward whenoperating on gravel or crushed rock surfaces.reCoiL STarTer HanDLeThis handle is used to manually start the engine.eLeCTriC STarTer bUTTonPressing the electric starter button engages the engine’selectric starter when plugged into a 120V power source.eLeCTriC STarTer oUTLeTRequires the use of a three-prong outdoor extension cord (included)and a 120V power source/wall outlet.aUgerSWhen engaged, the augers rotate and draw snow into the augerhousing.CHUTe aSSeMbLYSnow drawn into the auger housing is discharged out the chuteassembly.gaS CaPUnthread the gas cap to add gasoline to the fuel tank.aUger ConTroLThe auger control is located on the left handle. Squeeze the controlgrip against the handle to engage the augers and start snow throwingaction. Release to stop.Drive ConTroL/ aUger ConTroL LoCKThe drive control is located on the right handle. Squeeze the controlgrip against the handle to engage the wheel drive. Release to stop.The drive control also locks the auger control so you can operatethe chute directional control without interrupting the snow throwingprocess. If the auger control is engaged simultaneously with the drivecontrol, the operator can release the auger control (on the left handle)and the augers will remain engaged. Release both controls to stop theaugers and wheel drive.NOTE: Always release the drive control before changing speeds.Failure to do so will result in increased wear on your machine’s drivesystem.TWo-WaY CHUTe ConTroL™The distance snow is thrown can be changed by adjusting the angleof the chute assembly. Move the chute control forward to decrease thedistance, toward the rear to increase.CHUTe DireCTionaL ConTroLThe chute directional control is located on the left side of the snowthrower.To change the direction in which snow is thrown, crank clockwiseto discharge to the left and counterclockwise to discharge to theright.WHeeL STeering ConTroLSThe left and right wheel steering controls are located on the undersideof the handles. Squeeze the right control to turn right; squeeze the leftcontrol to turn left.NOTE: Operate the snow thrower in open areas until you are familiarwith these controls.HeaDLigHTThe headlight is located on top of the handle panel. It may be adjustedby loosening the screws on each side of the light housing, pivoting thelight up or down, and retightening the screws.DriFT CUTTerSThe drift cutters are designed for use in deep snow. Their use isoptional for normal snow conditions.•AUGERCONTROLGODRIVECONTROLGO PreviousNext |