NOTE:This machineis shippedWITHOUTGASOLINEor OIL. Aftersettingup the edger,servicethe enginewith gasolineand oil asinstructed.NOTE:Referenceto rightor left hand sideof the edger is observedfrom theoperatingposition.ASSEMBLYHandleRemoveand discardanypackagingcardboardthat may be presentbetweenthe upper handleand the lowerhandle.1. Pivotthe upper handleupwarduntilit snapsinto place.SeeFigure1.Figure12. Tightenthe handknobs,whichare locatedon boththe left andrightsides of the handle.Starter Rope1. Locatethe ropeguide foundon the rightsideof the upper handle.Loosen,butdo NOT remove,the wingknobwhich securestherope guideto the upper handle.See Figure2.2. Standbehindthe edgerand hold the bladecontrolagainsttheupperhandle.3. Gentlypull the starterropeout of the engine.Figure2ADJUSTMENTSBevel AdjustmentThe angleof the edger bladecan be adjustedby placingthe beveladjustmentin one of threepositionsfor edging.See Figure3./".......3/Figure3The edgerbladeWILL rotatewhenthe starterrope is pulled.NOTE:The starterropewill not pull out d the engineunlessthe bladecontrol(referto Figure2) is depressedagainstthe upper handle.4. Slip the starterropethroughthetop of the rope guide.Retightenthe wingknobwhich securesthe rope guideto the upper handle.7