Change Engine Oil "" "Gasolineand its vaporsare extremelyflammableand explosive.Fireor explosioncan causesevereburnsor death.Changeengineoil after thefirst five hoursof operation,and everyfiftyhoursor once a seasonthereafter.lWhen drainthe oil from the oil fill the fuel tank mustbeyou top tube,emptyor fuel canleak outand resultin a fire or explosion.Toemptythe fuel tank, runthe engine untilit stopsfrom lack of fuel.1. Withengine off butstill warm,disconnectthe spark plugwire (F)and keepit awayfrom the spark plug.2. Placea suitablecontainernextto the engineto catchthe usedoil.3. Removethe oil fill dipstick(E) and drain the oil intothe containerby tippingthe enginetowardthe oil filler neck.See Figure13.Used oil is a hazardouswasteproduct.Disposeof usedoil properly.IDo not discardwith householdwaste.Checkwith yourlocalauthori-_tiesor SearsServiceCenterfor safedisposal/recyclingfacilities.4. Withthe engine in a levelposition,fill to the upper limit markonthedipstick with the recommendedoil.Runningtheenginewith a lowoil levelcancauseenginedamage.5. Reinstallthe oil fill dipsticksecurely.Check Engine OilCheckoil levelbeforeeachoperation.Be sureoil levelis maintained.1. Checkthe oil with the enginestoppedand level.2. Removethe oil fill dipstick(G) and wipeit clean. See Figure14.3. Insertand tightendipstick.Removeitto checkthe oil level.4. If the oil levelisnear or belowthe lowerlimit mark on the dipstick,removethe oil fillercap/dipstick,and fill with the recommendedoil(H) to the upper limit mark(J). Do notoverfill.5. Reinstallthe oil fill dipstick.Clean Engine• Dailyor beforeevery use, cleangrass,chaffor accumulateddebrisfromengine.Keeplinkage,spring,and controlsclean.Keeparea aroundand behindmufflerfreeof any combustibledebris.• Keepingenginecleanallows air movementaroundengine.• Engineparts shouldbe keptcleanto reducethe risk of overheat-ingand ignitionof accumulateddebris.Figure13Figure14Do not usewaterto cleanengine parts.Watercouldcontaminatefuelsystem.Usea brushor dry cloth.14