........ ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONSI I IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIII iiii IIII IIIIIII g i liB mUiR ,,,H ,,,,,, ,,, ,,,,m ,,,,,,,Wedge, Beam andCylinderJackWheels andTankFIGURE 1.Tongueand HitchAssemblyWheelsReservoir TankAssemblyFIGURE 2.FIGURE 3.IMPORTANT: This unit has been shipped withoutgasoline or oil in the engine. Be certain to serviceengine with gasoline and oil before operating yourlog splitter.TOOLSREQUIREDFORASSEMBLY(1) Knife(1) Cutters(2) 9/16" Wrenches*(1) Screwdriver(1) Pliers*Adjustable Wrenches may be used.OTHER MATERIALS REQUIREDEngine Oil (Provided in Carton)Unleaded GasolineApproximately 7,6 Gallons of Dexron 11AutomaticTransmission Fluid or 10W Non-Foaming HydraulicFluidWedge, Beam andCylinder AssemblyEndPlateUNPACKING• Remove staples in top flaps of carton. Remove toppanel.• Cut carton down along each corner. Lay cartondown flat. See figure 2.• Cut and remove the bands holding the unit inplace.NOTE: All hardware needed for assembly has beenplaced in position on the various parts of the logsplitter.Tongue and HitchAssemblyTongue and HitchAssemblyWheels andReservoir TankAssemblyHex Nuts<-PARTS IN CARTON (See figure 2)Wheels and Reservoir Tank AssemblyWedge, Beam and Cylinder AssemblyTongue and Hitch AssemblyBottle of Engine Oil (Not Shown)ASSEMBLINGYOUR LOG SPLITTER• Remove the hex nuts, lock washers and hex boltsfrom the middle of the wheels and reservoir tankassembly.• Place the end of the tongue and hitch assembly inbetween the brackets on the wheels and reservoirtank assembly. Secure with hardware just-',P-----removed. See figure 3.• Roll the wheels and reservoir tank assembly off thepacking material.• Rotate the wedge, beam and cylinder assembly90 ° so the end plate (refer to figure 1) is off thewooden pallet. Stand the wedge, beam andcylinder assembly upright, with cylinder to the top._ ARNING: USE EXTREME CAUTION ASASSEMBLY IS VERY HEAVY.6