FIGURE40,FIGURE 41.8o Reverse steps 1 through 7 for reassembfy.NOTEUpon reassembly of friction disc,tighten three screws equally.CARE AND MAINTENANCE:Tran smission:The transmission is pre-lubricated and sealed atthe factory. It requires no additional lubricationunless the transmission is disassembled° To fillwith grease, lay the left half of the transmissionon its side, add 28 ounces of Plastilube #1 greaseand assemble the righ! half to it. This grease canbe purchased from your nearest authorized dealer.(Order Part NOo737-0133.)Engine:1_ You MUST CHANGE THE OIL in thecrankcase after the first two hours of opera_16tion of your new engine and after each 25hours of use thereafter to ensure proper lubri-cation of internal parts for trouble free opera-tion and to prevent costly repair due toexcessive wear. (Take care to remove dirtaround li!ler plug.) Be sure oil level is maimtained full to point of overflowing Seefig{,re42._. Oil LevelOil Filler PlugFIGURE 42_TO change oil remove drain plug (figure 43) and tipthe tiller forward while engine is warm. Replacedrain plug. Remove oil fiiler cad and refill withSAE 30 heavy duty detergent oil Replace fillercap..Oil Drain PlugFIGURE 43,2 Use only a good grade of fresh, clean, regulargasoline Do not use gasoline that has beensitting for a long period of time. Stalegasoline may cause engine to run poorly ornot at all.3_, Keep your engine CLEAN. Wipe off all spilledfuel and oil Keep the engine clean of foreignmatter and be sure the cooling fins on thecylinder are kept clean to permit proper aircirculation. You must REMEMBER that this isan air cooled engine and free flow of air isessential to proper engine performance andlife.4_ Your must SERVICE YOUR AIR CLEANER,The air cleaner prevents damaging dirt, dust,etc.. from entering the carburetor and beingforced into the engine and is important toengine life and performance.To remove air cleaner: See figures 44 and 45.A. Remove screw.B.. Remove air cleaner carefully to prevent dirtfrom entering carburetor.