Thehex flangenuthas a right-handedthreadpattern.Donot attempt[to forcethe nutin wrongdirection;it may damagethe nutand create[a safetyhazard.4. Placea newbladeon eachspindleso that sideof the blade withpart numberfacesthe groundwhenthe moweris in the operatingposition.NOTE:This baggerkit includestwo setsof blades,one set is forthe50" deck and the otheris for the54" deck.Basedon the deckthat youhave, installone of the followingblade sets.The bladescan be identifiedbythe part numberstampedon eachblade:• 50" MowingDeck, installPart No. 742-04056C54"MowingDeck,install Part No. 742-06795. Securewith the hexflange nut removedearlier.Usea torquewrenchto tightenthe hexflangenut between70 to 90 foot-pounds.6. Movethe woodblockto eitherthe left or rightbladefor stabiliza-tionand removeand replacethecenter bladeso that sideof thebladewith partnumberfacesthe groundwhenthe moweris in theoperatingposition.NOTE:Savethethreebladesyoujust removedto useas replacementsor to reinstallon thebladespindleswhennotusingthe baggerkit.installing the Deck BaffleNOTE: If the deck isstill flippedupsidedownwith the bladesexposed,itmay be easiestto flip the deck backoverto completethe followinginstallationof the deck baffle and chutestop bracket.1. Removetwo of the self-tappingdeck screwson the front rightsideof yourdeck.2. Installthefront deck baffle usingtwo 710-3015hex boltsand 712-04064flangelock nuts from hardwarepack689-00163includedwith this baggerkit. See Fig. 18.NOTE:This baggerkit includestwo deck baffles,one baffle isfor the50"deck and the otherisfor a 54"deck. Basedon thedeck that youhave,installone of the followingbafflesusingthe directedhardware.The bafflesmay be identifiedby lookingat the parts list Page.• 50"MowingDeck,installdeck bafflePartNo.703-05783usingtwo710-3015hexboltsand 712-04064flangelock nutsfrom hardwarepack689-00163.• 54"MowingDeck,install deck baffle PartNo. 703-06018Ausingtwo 710-04484self-taphexbolts from hardwarepack 689-00163.Hex Nut /50" DeckFigure 18Installing the Chute & Front Discharge Plates1. Removethe dischargechute by removingthetwo flangelock nutssecuringit.2. With a hammer,lightly tap the boltsout. Discardthe boltsandflangelock nuts.3. Installthe chutedischargeplate,and the frontchute dischargeplate, to the bottomsideof thedeck opening,as seenin Fig. 19,usingtwo carriagebolts (710-3168)suppliedin hardwarepack689-00163.6Figure 194. Replacethe dischargechuteand securewith two flangelock nutsincludedin the same hardwarepack.5. Securelytightenthe hardwareat this time.12