Neverstoretiller withfuel in tank indoorsor in poorlyventilatedareasIwherefuel fumesmay reachan open flame,spark,or pilotlightas ona furnace,water heater,c othesdryer, or gas app ance. 1Neverleaveengineunattendedwhileit is running.PREPARING THE ENGINEEnginesstored between30 and 90 days needto be treatedwith agasolinestabilizerand enginesstoredover90 days needto be drainedof fuel to preventdeteriorationand gumfrom formingin fuel systemoron essentialcarburetorparts.If the gasolinein yourenginedeterio-ratesduringstorage,you mayneed to havethecarburetor,and otherfuel systemcomponents,servicedor replaced.1. Removeall fuel from tank by runningengine untilit stopsfromlack of fuel.2. Changethe oil. See ChangeEngineOil in SERVICEANDMAINTENANCEsection.3. Removespark plugand pourabouta 1/2ounceof engineoil intothe cylinder.Replacespark plug.Pull out slowlyon the recoilstarterhandle slowlyto distributeoil.4. Cleandebrisfrom aroundtheengine and the muffler.Touchupany damagedpaint,and coat otherareasthat may rustwith a lightfilm of oil.5. Storein a clean,dry and wellventilatedarea awayfromany ap-pliancethat operateswith a flame or pilot light, suchas a furnace,water heater,or clothesdryer.Alsoavoidany areawith a sparkproducingelectricmotor,or wherepowertoolsare operated.6. If possible,avoidstorageareaswith high humidity,becausethatpromotesrust and corrosion.7. Keeptheengine levelin storage.Tiltingcan causefuel or oilleakage.PREPARING THE TILLERWhenthe tillerwon't be usedfor an extendedperiod,prepareit forstorageas follows:1. Cleanthe tillerand engine.2. Followthe lubricationrecommendationsand checkfor loosepartsand hardware.3. Storethe tiller in a clean,dry area.4. Neverstore the tillerwith fuel in the fuel tank in an enclosedareawheregas fumescould reachan open flameor spark,or whereignitionsourcesare present(spaceheaters,hot waterheaters,furnaces,etc.).23