CUTTING VERTICAL BOARDSSee Figures 16- 17.• Unplug the biscuit joiner.• Loosen the locking knob and set the fence angle at 0°.• Set the fence height at the desired dimension on thescale by rotating the height adjustment knob.• Retighten the locking knob.• Select the correct depth of cut setting for the biscuitsize you plan to use.• Clamp the workpiece securely.• Cut each slot at the marked centerline intersection.• Place the biscuit joiner on a vertical board and align theindicator marks on the base assembly with the center-line on the vertical board.• Place a straight piece of wood on the vertical boardand securely clamp it flush against the base assem-bly. This piece of wood is used for a fence or guide. Itmust be square with the sides of the vertical board andparallel with the centedine.• Align the centedine on the bottom of the base assem-bly with marked intersection for biscuit slot.• Plug the biscuit joiner into the power supply and pre-pare to cut the slot.• Depress the switch trigger to turn on the biscuit joiner,then push it down to extend the blade into the wood.• When the base assembly bottoms out against thedepth of cut adjustment knob setting, pull back, releas-ing pressure on the spring. The blade will retract fromthe biscuit slot.• Repeat this procedure for cutting all required slots invertical boards.• Once all slots have been cut, place a biscuit in eachjoint and dry-assemble the workpieces. Make sureeach joint lines up and fits.• Finally, disassemble the workpieces and place a beadof glue in each slot. Also, spread a bead of glue overthe entire surface of the joint. Reinsert the biscuits andassemble the workpieces.• Clamp the workpieces together until the glue sets up.HEIGHTADJUSTMENTKNOBADJUSTABLEFENCECUTTINGSLOTSIN VERTICALBOARDHORIZONTALBOARDLOCKINGKNOBFig. 16INDICATORMARKCENTERLINEMARK ONWORKPIECECLAMPVERTICALBOARDFig. 1717