Craftsman 152.211240 Owner's Manual
20 MAINTAINYOURBALANCE.DONOTextendyourselfoverthetool.WearoilresistantpJbber-soledshoes.Keepfloorclearofddebris,grease,andwax21.MAINTAIN TOOLS WITH CARE. Always keep toolsclean and in good working order Keep all bladesand tool bits sharp°22° EACH AND EVERY TIME, CHECK FOR DAM_AGED PARTS PRIOR TO USING THE TOOL.Carefully check all guards to see that they operateproperly, are not damaged, and perform theirintended functions, Check for alignment, binding orbreaking of moving parts, A guard or other part thatis damaged should be immediately repaired orreplaced.23. CHILDPROOF THE WORKSHOP AREA by remov-ing switch keys, unplugging tools from the electricalreceptacles, and using padlocks.24 DO NOT OPERATE TOOL IF UNDER THE IN-FLUENCE OF DRUGS OR ALCOHOL.25, SECURE ALL WORK. Use clamps or jigs to securethe workpiece. This is safer than attempting to holdthe workpiece with your hands.26 USE A PROPER EXTENSION CORD IN GOODCONDITION. When using an extension cord, besure to use one hearty enough to carry the currentyour product will draw. The table at right shows thecorrect size to use depending on cord length andnameplate amperage rating_ If in doubt, use thenext heavier gauge The smaller the gauge number,the larger diameter of the extension cord. If in doubtof the proper size of an extension cord, use a short-er and thicker cord, An undersized cord will causeand overheating USE ONLY A 3-WIRE EXTENoSlON CORD THAT HAS A 3-PRONG GROUND-ING PLUG AND A 3-POLE RECEPTACLE THATACCEPTS THE TOOUS PLUG.GUIDELINES FOREXTENSION CORDSIf you are using an extension cord outdoors, be sureit is marked with the suffix "W-A" ('_V'_in Canada) 1oindicate that it is acceptable for outdoor userBe sure your extension cord is properly sized, andin good electrical condition_Always replace a damagedextension cord or have it repaired by a qualified personbefore using it.Protect your extension cords from sharp objects,excessive heat, and damp or wet areas,0 to 6 Arnps6 to I0 ArnpsI0 to 12 Amps120 VOLTOPERATIONONLY25' LONG18AWG18 AWGt6AWG50' LONG 100' LONG16AWG 16AWG16AWG 14AWG16AWG 14AWG150'LONG14 AWG12 AWGt2 AWGIN THE EVENT OF A MALFUNCTION OR BREAK-DOWN, grounding provides the path of least resistancefor electric current and reduces the risk of electricshock. This tool is equipped with an electric cord thathas an equipment grounding conductor and a ground-ing plug. The plug MUST be plugged into a matchingelectrical receptacle that is properly installed andgrounded in accordance with ALL local codes and ordi-nances°DO NOT MODIFY THE PLUG PROVIDED. If it will notfit the electrical receptacle, have the proper electricalreceptacle installed by a qualified electricianIMPROPER ELECTRICAL CONNECTION of the equip-ment grounding conductor can result in risk of electricshock. The conductor with the green insulation (with orwithout yellow stripes) is the equipment grounding con-ductor. DO NOT connect the equipment grounding con-ductor to a live terminal if repair or replacement of theelectric cord or plug is necessary_CHECK with a qualified electrician or service personnelif you do not completely understand the groundinginstnJctions, or if you are not sure the tool is properlygrounded.USE ONLY A 3-WIRE EXTENSION CORD THAT HASA 3-PRONG GROUNDING PLUG AND A 3-POLERECEPTACLE THAT ACCEPTS THE TOOL'S PLUG.REPLACE A DAMAGED OR WORN CORD IMMEDI-ATELY.Fig. A3-prong electdca_ .--..-._receptaclegrounding conductorat cord4 |
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