13 ― EnglishBECOME FAMILIAR WITH THE CHARGERSee Figure 9, page iiiBefore attempting to use this charger,become familiar with all of its operatingfeatures and safety requirements.CHARGING THE BATTERY PACKSee Figure 10, page iiiBATTERY PACK AND CHARGER■ Do not use other battery chargers. Thebattery charger supplied is specificallydesigned for the Lithium-Ion battery used inthis garden appliance.■ Check the main power supply! The voltageof the power supply must correspond with thedata on the nameplate of the battery charger.Battery chargers operate on 120V.■ The battery is equipped with a temperaturemonitor that allows charging only within atemperature range between 23oF and 122oF.This ensures an optimum battery service life.WARNING!■ If any part of the charger is missing ordamaged, do not operate it! Replace thecharger with a new one. Failure to heed thiswarning could result in possible serious injury.■ Check the voltage! The voltage mustcomply with the information on the ratinglabel.BATTERY CHARGING PROCEDURE■ Align the battery pack to the slots on thecharger and slide it in until it locks in place.■ Connect the charger to the power supply.■ Allow sufficient charging time (see ProductSpecifications), and then disconnect thecharger from the power supply.■ Press the release button on the batterypack and remove it from the charger.NOTE: It is normal for the battery pack andcharger to become warm (but not hot) duringcharging process. If the battery does notcharge properly, check to make sure theelectrical outlet is "live".Always charge the battery before storage!NOTE: The battery is supplied partiallycharged. To ensure full capacity of thebattery, charge the battery in the batterycharger before using the product for the firsttime. The Lithium-Ion battery can be chargedat any time without reducing its service life.Interrupting the charging procedure does notaffect the battery.WARNING! To reduce risk of fire, neverleave the battery connected with the chargerfor more than 24 hours!CHARGER INDICATORS■ Preparation: The charging process startsas soon as the battery charger is pluggedinto a power supply socket and the battery isinserted into the charger.■ If the battery is not inserted, a continuousred light indicates that the charger is pluggedinto a power supply socket and is now readyto begin charging.■ Charging: a flashing green LED on thecharger indicates that the battery is chargingnormally.■ Charged: continuous green LED on thecharger indicates that the battery is ready foruse.■ The indicator lights on the charger showthe charger status:SYMBOL INDICATORLIGHTS STATUSred,blinkingcharging problem;see Technical Issueinfo on next pagered,continuousconnected to powersupplygreen,blinking charginggreen,continuous fully chargedCharger Indicator PanelConnectedTo PowerTechnicalIssue(see manual)FullyChargedCharging24VCharging Status