CLEANINGTHEPOWERHEAD•Stopthemotoranddisconnectfrompowersupply.•Cleandirtanddebrisfromthepowerheadusingadampclothwithamilddetergent.NOTE:Donotuseanystrongdetergentsontheplastichousingorthehandle.Theycanbedamagedbycertainaromaticoilssuchaspineandlemon,andbysolventssuchaskerosene.STORINGTHETRIMMERHEAD•Storethetrimmerheadinawell-ventilatedplacethatisinaccessibletochildren.•Keepawayfromcorrosiveagentssuchasgardenchemicalsanddeicingsalts.PROBLEM CAUSE SOLUTIONMotor fails to start when switchtrigger is depressedPower cord is not plugged inPower cord connection is looseReceptacle has no poweravailableAttach extension cordSecurely install the power cord to thetrimmer plugBe sure that the extension cord hasno other connections except to thetrimmer.Spool cap witt not come offThe spool cap is not being turnedin the correct directionThe inner spool cap bolt may bestripped, which will not allow thecap to be removed.The spool cap removes in a clockwiserotation and tightens in a counter-clockwise rotationThe spool cap will have to be fullyreplaced. To remove the cap if it isstripped catt the tott free customer hetpline for assistance: 1-888-266-7096Line does not advanceThere is no tine in the spoolhousing oAdd new spool line or spoolreplacement cartridgeMotor runs but the spool orattachment does not runLine is tangled inside the spoolhousingMotor shaft is not properlyconnected to the trimmer shaft.Disconnect the motor shaft assembly,then reconnect it to the lower trimmershaft. Check to see if it works. Ifit does not work catt the tott freecustomer help tine for assistance:1-888-266-709612 -- English