MAINTENANCE/CC_1 WARNING: Mufflersfitted withcatalytic converters get very hotduring use and remain so for sometime after stopping. This also ap-plies at idle speed. Contact can re-sult in burns to the skin. Rememberthe risk of fire!WARNING: Bear in mind that:Engine exhaust fumes contain car-bon monoxide, which can causecarbon monoxide poisoning. Forthis reason you should not start orrun the machine indoors, or any-where that is poorly ventilated.The exhaust fumes from the engineare hot and may contain sparkswhich can start a fire. Never startthe machine indoors or near flam-mable material!_1_ WARNING: The inside of themuffler contain chemicals that maybe carcinogenic. Avoid contact withthese elements in the event of adamaged muffler.Cooling systemThe engine is equipped with a coefingsystem for maintaining the right operatingtemperature•The cooling system consists of the follow-ing components:1. Air intake on the starter device (DD).2. Fan blades on the flywheel (EE).3. Cooling fins on the cylinder (FF).4. Cylinder cowling (guides cooling a{r f_owaga{nst cylinder surfaces).Ctean the coefing system by brushing oncea week, or more often, if necessary.A dirty or b_ocked coefing system willcause the b_ower to overheat and this willdamage the cytinder and pistonEEAir filterThe air filter (GG) must be regulady cleanedto remove dust and dirt in order to avoid:• Carburetor mallunctions• Starting problems• Loss of engine power• Unnecessary wear to engine parts• Excessivefuef consumption• Elevated content of harmful exhaustfumes•Clean the filter every 25 hours, or moreregularly if conditions are exceptionallydusty.Cleaning the air filterRemove the air fiEter cover (HH) and take outthe filter. Wash it clean in warm, soapy water•Rinse thoroughly. Ensure that the _ter is drybefore reinstalling itAn air filter that has been in use for a longtime cannot be cleaned completely. Thefilter must therefore be replaced with a newone at regular intervals.CAUTION! A damaged air filter mustalways be replaced.545154658 Rev. 5 7/15/08 English-17