Craftsman 123.24201 User Manual
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Radial Rim diame|erRa|io of height to codewidth (aspect ratio) Load index &Nominal width of eed sylabnttire in millimeters' US. DOt" tirePassen ide_lificalim_ numbelear tire Sever snowconditions'lire plyMax, ¢_ntpositionpermissabh and malerinlsinlhttion usedpr'_SSll l'eP: The "P" indicates the rite is for passenger vehiclesNext number: This three-digit number' gives the width in millimeters of the tirefi'om sidewall edge to sidewall edge. In general, the larger the number; the widerthe tireNext number: This two-digit number, known as the aspect ratio, gives the tire'sratio of height to width Numbers of 70 or lower indicate a short sidewall forimproved steering response and better overall handling on dry pavementR: The "R" stands for radial. Radial ply construction of tires has been the industrystandard for the past 20 years..Next number': This two-digit number is the wheel or rim diameter' in inches Ifyou change your wheel size, you will have to purchase new tires to match the newwheel dimneter.Next number: This two- or'three-digit number is the tile's load index. It isa measurement of how much weight each tire can support You may find thisinformation in your owner's manual If not, contact a local tire dealer: Note: Youmay not find this information on all tires because it is not |'equired by lawM+S: The "'M+S" or' "M/S" indicates that the tire has some mud and snowcapability Most radial tires have these markings; hence, they have some mud andsnow capabilitySpeed Rating: The speed rating denotes the speed at which a tire is designed to bedriven for extended periods of time The ratings range fiom 99 miles per hour(mph) to I86 mph Note: Yon may not find d_is information on all tires because it isnot required by law.* For tires with a maximum speed capability over 149 mph, tire manufacturerssometimes use the letters ZR.. For those with a maximum speed capability over 186mph, tfle manufacturers always use the letters ZR.U.S, DOT Tire Identification NumberThis begins with the letters "DOr" and indicates that the tire meets all31 |
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