, m,_ ii , iOPERATING INSTRUCTIONSAND PARTS LIST FORC RAFTS MAN [.AT H !12 INCH SWING, 36 INCHES BETWEEN CENTERSMOD|IL NUMBER 113.23881The model number of your Lathe will be found stamped on the back of theHeadstock cover. Always mention this model number when communicatingwith us regarding your Lathe or when ordering parts.HOW TO ORDER R|PAIR PARTSAll paris listed herein may be ordered through SEARS, ROEBUCK AND CO.or SIMPSONS-SEARS LIMITED. When ordering parts by mail from the mailorder house which serves the ter_ritoryin which you live, selling priceswill befurnished on request or parts will be shipped at prevailing prices and you willbe billed accordingly.WHEN ORDERING REPAIR PARTS, ALWAYS GIVE THE FOLLOWINGINFORMATION AS SHOWN IN THIS LIST:1. The PART NUMBER.2. The PART NAME.3. The MODEL NUMBER-113.2388t4. The NAME of item-LATHE,SEARS, ROEBUCK AND CO. andStMPSONS-SEARS LIMITED in Canadaback up your investmentwith quick, ex-pert mechanical service and genuineCRAFTSMAN replacement parts.If and when you need repairs or service,call on us to protect your investment inthis fine piece of equipment.S AR$,ROmUCKAND co.- u.s.A.JN CANADA, SIMPSONS-SEARS LIMtT|DSOURCE FORM 756929 Lithographed in UoS.A.