"b ¸ , _asnc lathe operatRonsSPINDLE TURNING.If you have never done any amount of wooc turning,we suggest that you practice using the various woodturning tools. Start with a smatl spindle turning;Be sure to study the "'Handbook" which you receivedwith your lathe. !t explains and illustrates the correctuse of the turning toots, the positioning of the toolrestand other information to hefp you gain experience.1 Select a piece of wood 2" x 2" x 12".2. Draw diagonal lines on each end to locate the centers3. On one end, make asaw cut approximately 1/16" deepon each diagonal line. This is for the spur center,4. The other end is for the cup center. Place the point ofthe cup center on the wood where the diagonal linescross DIAGONAL LINESON BOTH ENDS5, Dri#e tt_e cup center into the wood. Use a wooden; mallet or a plastic hammer. If you don't have one, usea Sleet hamme_, but put a piece of wood on the end of{h e it.:&Remove the cup::Center ahd drive the spur center intolife ether end:0f the wood. Make sure the spurs are in: the :saw cutSl Rem0Ve the spur centeri7. Make Su lethe centers and the hole in the spindle andthe tailstock ram are clean. Insert the spur center intothe headstock and the cup center into the tailstockand tap them in rightly with a piece of wood. Do notdrive them in;8. Put a drop of Oilor wax on the wood where it con-tacts the cup center. This will lubricate the woodWf_ile it _s turning,9. Place the wood between the centers and lock the tail-stock,I0. Move the cup center into the wood by turning thehand wl_eel. Make sure that the cup center and spurcenter are "seated" into the wood in the holes madeinsteps 5 and6 above. Rotate the wood by handwhile tUrning the hand wheel.: : .......... t6