!::O::ttoneourJNTRO:L:S @welder: is derived fromis equipped with Pranges two :AC ranges and== v jii:!:i::i:_:iThe 50-230amp AC range requi_:es less line (inputcurrent) draw for any given amp setting and permitsSELECTING DC RANGESYour new arc welder has a DC range which makes itpossible for youto weld aluminum using al uminumwelding rods. You will find this increasing_.y usefulas aluminum is be ngused eXtensively today,mostly because o_ its light weight,: corrosionresistance, and its ability to conduct heat.The DC range is also preferred for verticat andoverhead welding, for welding thin metals, forreducing pop-outs; with many difficult to use rods,suitable for electrodes up to 3/!6 inch diameter.Either range may be used, depending on operatorpreferences when the electrode diameter permits.and to reduce spatter where appearanceimportant.isCONNECTING ELECTRODE AND WORKCABLES FORAC WELDINGInsert the tapered plug on the: end of the electrodecable into theproper Outlet jack depending onrange required, insert the tapered plug on the end ofthe:work cable into_the AC work jack.:To insure a good electrical connection always twistthe: electrode plug _slightty: while inserting. Torem0ve the plug twist in theopposite directi on whileremowng:NOTE:: If_you extend the welding:iilCables:beyondthose already supplied, they:must be No: 4 AWG orlarger to avoid an undue drop:in:weiding:currenLDO NOT EXTEND CABLES OVER 50 FEET.Connect the work c amp to the: piece to be welded,(to complete the etectdcai circuit) or to the weidingtable itself provided it is metailic orwill conductlelectricity!CONNECTING ELECTRODE AND WORKCABLES FOR DC WELDINGPolarity: In DC welding it is possible to change thedirection of electron flow. This is done by changingthe manner in which the electrode cable and theworkcable are plugged into the DC jacks.ForDC Reverse Polarity: The electrode cable isplugged into the positive DC jack and the workcable is plugged into the negative DC jack._ In thismode the electron flow wilt be from the wo_rk to theelectrode. This mode may be used for ahJminumwelding, weldi ng .on thi n sheet metal, cast iron a ndhigh carbon steel. This is also the best mode foroverhead and vertical welding.WORKCABLEl6