WELOINGFigure 6F.;gure 8r ,Use 1/8 and 5/32qnch rods for all vertical-up welds andof the electrode points upward, Strike and hold a short arcuntil a small amount of metaf is deposited, th,en quicktyraise the rod upward with a wrist movement to increase thelength of the arc at the top of the stroke (fig, 7), As soonas the metal deposited in the crater has solidified, bring therod Clown and deposit more metal. Keep repeating thiswhipping motion_ while gradually moving the rod upwardand toward the plate asthe electrode burns off. The [engthFigure 9Figure I0weave (fig. 9), This will produce a "shelf" _pon whichadditional metal is deposited intermittently as the weldingprogresses. There shouJd be a slight pause in the weavingmotion at the toes of the weld to avoid making a bead thatis too convex. Materials 1/4-inch and thicker must be heweled on one or both sides, depending upon the joint.Practice making a wide bead using a side-to_side weavingmotion with a very slight whipping action at each end togive the metat at each end a chance to solidify and avoidundercutting along the sides of the weld (fig, 10). This typeof bead is used on welds that require more than one passand is called the finish bead or "wash" pass. Hold a shortarc, making the bead approximately 3/4-inch wide andfairly light. Multiple vertical welds may be made c_s shownin the series of diagrams, figure 11.along the sides. Better penetration can be had by thevertical-up method. This can be demonstrated by joiningtwo pieces of 3/16-inch metal With a butt welcl; using thewhipping motion. Leave a gap between the plates and usea 5/32-inch rod with a fairly high current, determined byexperimenting. The whipping motion wilt melt the corne_s ofthe plate and form a pocket in which to deposit the weldmetal (fig. 8).Burn the rod in deep so the crater extends through to theback side. After completing the weld, inspect" the backside for the smo_Jbead, which indicates ]O0-percent pene-tration. Butt welds on heavier materlaFs should be weldedon both sides.On materials up to ]/4-inch thick, use the whipping :motionon smafJsingle-pass filtet welds for lap and tee-joints. Largersingle-pass fillet wetds can be made by the whipping motionwith a stighf side-to-side weave added and combined withthe up and down movement to make a triangular shaped[ ,