WELDmNG ROD SPECmF CATmONSAWS E-7014 CONTACT AC-DCfor welding of mild steelGENERAL APPLICATIONS: Sheet Metal Fabrication and Repairs e MachineryFabrication • Construction Equipment Repairs = Storage Tanks e ShipbuildingFabricating Structural Shapes and Heavy Equipment = Equipment and Heavy PipeWeldingDiameter .... 1/18" 3/16" 1/4"Length 12" 18'" 18"Amperes 70-90 200-250 250-350SIZES AND HEATS lAMPS)3/32" 1/8" 5/32"14" 14" 14"90-110 130-105 190-210SPECl FICATIONSMEETS _kTHESE _) AmericanWelding Society ..................... Class:E-7014REQUIREMENTS JV American Bureauof Shipping ................ C/ass:E-7014Physical Properties of Deposited Metal: AsWeldedTensileStrength ................................................................................... 72,000 psito 78,000 psiYield Point ..................................................................................... 60,000 psito 69,000 psi% Elongation in 2.inches .......................................................................................... 17%to 28%DESCRIPTIONThe AWS E-7014 is an excellent electrode for the inexperienced or experienced welder_ Starts on contactwith smooth surge-free arc, also restrikes instantly. This Craftsman electrode has powdered iron in thecoating which makes welding easier and faster_ The slag is easy to remove in most cases self-peeling as theweld cools_Ideal for fixture welding where weld appearance and lack of spatter is important. The amount of slagpermits use in all welding positionsWELDING PROCEDURES: Weld materials should be clean. Best results are obtained when fit-up is good.Either AC or DC current may be used. When arc is established, deposit metal holding a short arc or placeelectrode in contact with work,.2-4