CERTIFICATIONFCC RegulationsHigh Frequency Stabilized Arc Weldinginstallations are required to meet radio frequencyradiation limits given in the FederalCommunications Commission (FCC) Rules andRegulations, Part !8 Further, the FCC requires allHigh Frequency Stabilized Arc Weldinginstallations to have certification. Certification maybe based upon manufacturers tests, or upon actualon site measurements.If certification is based upon manufacturers tests,the manufacturer conducts tests to verifycompliance with FCC requirements and providesinstructions for proper installation and operation ofthe High Frequency Arc Stabilizer.. When the HighFrequency Stabilized Arc Welder installation hasbeen completed as specified by the manufacturerand the equipment is being operated in accordancewith the manufacturer's instructions, the user sostipulates by signing a certification form providedby the manufacturerIf certification is based upon actuat on sitemeasurements, the user is responsible forconducting radio frequency radiationmeasurements on the finished installation followingprocedures outlined in the FCC Rules andRegulations, Part I8 A certificate must then beexecuted by an individual qualified to make andinterpret radio frequency radiation measurementsThe FCC requires that the signed certificate beplaced in a location where it is convenientlyavailable for inspection by authorizedrepresentatives of the FCC The certificate may beattached directly to the equipment or may be atanother location provided a notice is attached to theequipment stating where the certificate is locatedCertification of your InstallationThis Arc Stabilizer has complied with the testsnecessary to permit certification based uponmanufacturer's tests. When the instalfation iscompleted, the person responsible for theinstallation and operation of the High FrequencyStabilized Arc Welder Installation is required to signthe certificate included in this owners madual,attesting that the installation has been made inaccordance with the instructions given in thisowners manual.ResponsibilityConformance with FCC requirements is theresponsibility of the user and the user is required totake steps promptly to remedy any instances ofharmful interference with any authorized radioservice.CERTIFICATION OF HIGH FREQUENCYARC WELDER INSTALLATIONI HEREBY CERTIFY THAT:I am familiar with the requirements of Part I8 of the FCC Rules pertaining to the operation andcertificaton of High Frequency Stabilized Arc Welders; andIf harmful interference arises, I will take prompt steps to eliminate the harmful interference;andi have installed the equipment in exact accordance with the instructions provided in theOwners ManualBy (signature):Date:9