STEP (5):AA(6)DD(6)EE(6)Note: Shelf (D) from step (4) must be installed in bottom middlelocation to allow door to latch and lock. Top and bottom shelvesshould have slots facing toward back of unit. Install top shelf first.• Insert shelf (D) from bottom of unit. Note: Flanges shoud facetoward bottom of cabinet.• Place each shelf in desired mounting location in back of unit,and rotate into place as shown.• Attach each shelf using (2) bolts (AA), (2) washers (DD), and(2) nuts (EE) in each shelf through square mounting holes asshown.AADDEEFlanges towardbottombottomNotchin frontNote: Shelves may be organized in several differentconfigurations. Below is the recommended initial shelf spacing.Top and bottom shelf spacing may be adjusted as necessary.[///From step (4)Lower middlemounting positionBottomIqJTopfSTEP (6):AA(4)BB(8)DD(4)\_ .JEE(12)• Insert bottom (G) into bottom end of cabinet and attach asfollows.• Use (4) bolts (AA), (4) washers (DD) and (4) nuts (EE)insquare holes.• Use (4) screws (BB), and (4) nuts (EE) in round holes onsides.• Use (4) screws (BB), and (4) nuts (EE) in round holes on back.,!AADD In squareUse holeswith AA .... /¢÷BB _EEi!It,J