1Doc. No.Copyright © 1994Cisco Systems, Inc.All rights reserved.ciscoBus Token Ring Card and AppliqueInstallation and Upgrade Instructions78-0875-04Product Numbers:CSC-C2CTR=APP-LTR2=MC-C2CTR-V10.2=This document contains instructions for installing the multiport ciscoBus Token Ring interface card(CSC-C2CTR) and Token Ring applique (APP-LTR2) in your AGS+ chassis. This document alsoprovides instructions for upgrading the C2CTR microcode by replacing a single erasableprogrammable read-only memory (EPROM) component on the CSC-C2CTR card. TheCSC-C2CTR provides two or four high-speed Token Ring interfaces for connection to IEEE 802.5and IBM-compatible Token Ring media at speeds of 4 or 16 Mbps. The APP-LTR2 provides theinterface between the CSC-C2CTR and your Token Ring network. Both the card and applique mustbe installed in an AGS+ with a CSC/3 or CSC/4 processor card and a ciscoBus II controller card(CSC-CCTL2).The sections in this document include the following:• Product Descriptions, page 2— CSC-C2CTR Interface Card, page 4— APP-LTR2 Applique, page 5• Installation Prerequisites, page 6— System Compatibility Requirements, page 6— Ring Speed, page 16— List of Parts, page 16— Required Tools, page 17— Safety, page 17• Preventing Electrostatic Discharge Damage, page 18• Installation, page 18— Installing the CSC-C2CTR Interface Card, page 19— Installing the APP-LTR2 Applique, page 20