C H A P T E R1-1Cisco ONS 15310-MA SDH Procedure Guide, R9.078-18668-011Install the Cisco ONS 15310-MA SDHThis chapter provides procedures for installing the Cisco ONS 15310-MA SDH shelf, cards, andfiber-optic cable. To view a summary of the tools and equipment required for installation, see the“Required Tools and Equipment” section on page 1-3.Before You BeginThis section lists the chapter procedures (NTPs). Turn to a procedure for applicable tasks (DLPs).1. NTP-H149 Unpack and Inspect the ONS 15310-MA SDH Shelf Assembly, page 1-5—Completethis procedure before continuing with the “NTP-H150 Install the Shelf Assembly” procedure onpage 1-5.2. NTP-H150 Install the Shelf Assembly, page 1-5—Complete this procedure to install the shelfassembly in a rack before continuing with the “NTP-H151 Install the Power and Ground” procedureon page 1-12 or before completing one of the following optional procedures.3. NTP-H169 Install the Cable Management Bracket, page 1-6—As needed, complete this procedureto install the cable management bracket.4. NTP-H166 Remove the Blank Sheet Metal Covers, page 1-9—As needed, complete this procedureto access the backplane.5. NTP-H167 Install the EIAs, page 1-10—As needed, complete this procedure to install the electricalinterface assemblies (EIAs) before continuing with the “NTP-H151 Install the Power and Ground”procedure on page 1-12.6. NTP-H151 Install the Power and Ground, page 1-12—Complete this procedure before continuingwith the “NTP-H152 Install the Fan-Tray Assembly” procedure on page 1-14.7. NTP-H152 Install the Fan-Tray Assembly, page 1-14—Complete this procedure before continuingwith the “NTP-H153 Install the 15310E-CTX-K9 Cards” procedure on page 1-16.8. NTP-H153 Install the 15310E-CTX-K9 Cards, page 1-16—Complete this procedure to install thecommon- control/cross-connect cards.9. NTP-H154 Install the Ethernet Cards, page 1-19—As needed, complete this procedure to install anEthernet card.10. NTP-H187 Install STM-N Cards and Connectors, page 1-20—As needed, complete this procedureto install STM-N cards and connectors.11. NTP-H155 Install the Electrical Cards, page 1-23—As needed, complete this procedure to install anelectrical card.