Phone Setup• Phone Hardware Installation, on page 1• Phone Configuration Tasks, on page 15Phone Hardware InstallationBefore you can use your phone, you must install and charge the battery. The battery may already be installedin your phone, or you may have to install it yourself.You must read the safety information in Product Safety and Security before you use, install, or charge thephone.The battery may already be charged using one of the supported charging methods. If the battery isn't charged,you must charge the battery before you can set up the phone.Install the Cisco Wireless IP Phone 8821 BatteryIP54 compliance mean that the phone is sealed from dust and water. When the phone leaves the factory, it iscompletely sealed.If you need to open the battery compartment, don't open it in a dusty or wet environment.You should make sure that the battery cover is closed to ensure that dust and water cannot enter the batterycompartment.Dirt, oil, or other products can damage the gasket on the battery compartment cover, resulting in a poor seal.Every time you change the battery, inspect the gasket for damage. If the gasket is damaged, you can order areplacement cover.NotePhone Setup1