C H A P T E R4-1Cisco 6160 Hardware Installation GuideOL-2190-02 B04Installing a Cisco 6160 Without a POTS SplitterConfigurationThis chapter provides installation procedures for installing a Cisco 6160 without a POTS splitter forxDSL data traffic.Note The installation procedures in this chapter apply to a Cisco 6160 system shipped with the individualhardware components preinstalled. For information about installing or replacing field-replaceable units(FRUs) in the Cisco 6160 chassis, see Chapter 6, “Upgrading and Maintaining the Cisco 6160 System.”Warning Only trained and qualified personnel should be allowed to install, replace, or service this equipment.Caution Before you begin the installation procedures, read the entire chapter for important information andsafety warnings.Note Before installing and cabling the equipment, be aware of standard safety practices and the hazardsinvolved in working with electrical circuitry to prevent accidents. See the “Safety Requirements” sectionon page 2-1 for all cautions and warnings that you need to ensure a safe and hazard-free installation.To see translations of the warnings that appear in this publication, refer to the Regulatory Complianceand Safety Information for the Cisco 6160 System document that accompanied this product.Note See the “Cisco 6160 Without a POTS Splitter Configuration” section on page 1-4 for more informationabout configuration components.