Cisco Systems, Dual LTE-Single GPS Multi-band AntennaInstallation GuideThis document provides the description, supported features, and installation instructions of the CiscoDual LTE-Single GPS Multi-band (4G-LTE-ANTM-O-3) Antennas.Caution Read the information in Safety Precautions before installing or replacing antennas.This document contains the following sections:• Overview of the 4G-LTE-ANTM-O-3 Antenna, page 1• Supported Antennas, page 12• Supported Antenna Accessories, page 12• Antenna Options by Deployment Type, page 13• Safety Precautions, page 13• Installation Instructions, page 15• Deployment Scenarios, page 17• Antenna Ports, page 19• Related Documentation, page 20• Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request, page 20Overview of the 4G-LTE-ANTM-O-3 AntennaDeciding which antenna to use involves multiple factors, such as coverage area, maximum distance,indoor location, outdoor location, and antenna height.When an antenna is used indoors, the building construction, ceiling height, and internal obstructionsmust be considered. In outdoor environments, obstructions such as trees, vehicles, buildings, and hillsmust be considered. Distance is the primary factor when using outdoor-wireless communications.However, coverage area also becomes important when you use wireless client devices to communicatewith a wireless device.