Page 1Cisco 3640 Series Router-PBX Interoperability:VIC 2BRI-NT/TE card to Alcatel 4400 PBX withBRI ISDN QSIG SignalingThis document describes the interoperability and configuration of a Cisco 3640 series router with a VIC2BRI-NT/TE card to an Alcatel 4400 PBX using BRI ISDN QSIG signaling. It includes the followingsections:• System Components• Configuration Tasks• CaveatsSystem ComponentsPBX Model Alcatel 4400PBX Release R3.2Telephony Signaling BRI ISDN QSIGVoice Gateway Cisco 3640 series routerGateway Release Cisco IOS Release 12.2(1a)VoX Protocol H.323Configuration TasksSee the following sections for configuration tasks for this feature:• Set Up• Alcatel PBX Configuration• Cisco 3640 Series Router Configuration